PTMS LITHIUM COBALT ACID MATERIAL MAGNETIC. The reaction between Li2CO3, LiOH and other impurities on the surface of the tridimensional material for iron removal and the electrolyte is the main factor that causes the initial gas production of Ni-based materials to increase greatly in high temperature storage. Therefore, avoiding the exposure of high-nickel ternary materials in humid environment and reducing the production of LiOH and Li2CO3 impurities on the material surface can effectively reduce the high-temperature storage gas production.
At the same time, although LCO materials produce less gas in the initial stage, the gas content will continue to increase during the storage process, and the final gas production is higher than that of NCM and NCA. Therefore, PTMS LITHIUM COBALT ACID MATERIAL MAGNETIC by controlling the content of Li2CO3, LiOH and other impurities on the surface of the material, can effectively inhibit the gas production and expansion of the battery in high temperature storage.
Lithium world news, with the continuous exploitation and consumption of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas by human beings, the known reserves of fossil fuels are not enough to support human use for one hundred years at the current consumption rate, and the burning of these fossil fuels produces a large number of greenhouse gases leading to global warming. At the same time, nitrogen and sulfur oxides are also important causes of air pollution. Therefore, the future will increase the use of PTMS LITHIUM COBALT ACID MATERIAL MAGNETIC removal of iron to produce lithium batteries.
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