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PTMS Magnetic Separator Used in Which Magnetic Ore
Time: 2021-05-29

Magnetic Separator For Sale
Output form and distribution characteristics of magnetic ore: the production form of magnetic ore in the form of production is relatively single, mainly medium dense disseminated and sparse disseminated along quartz, biotite, amphibole and other gangue minerals filling between grains. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3). Among the medium-dense disseminated grains, the volume content of magnetic ore usually varies between 30% and 75%. Slightly disseminated magnetic ore is characterized by high dispersion, fine particle size, volume content is basically less than 30%, even less than 5% locally and transition to scattered disseminated magnetic ore.

PTMS Magnetic Separation
There are mainly four kinds of distribution characteristics of magnetic ore: (1) the shape is relatively regular, but the particle size is generally very small; (2) the degree of dispersion is high, and few aggregates are aggregated into coarse aggregates; (3) Most of the gangue minerals are filled between grains, and the contact boundary with gangue is usually relatively regular and straight, and some of them are especially close to biotite and amphibole. ④ A small amount of fine magnetite exists in quartz as inclusions. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3).

What Is Magnetic Separation Method For Concentration Of Ore?
Generally speaking, the distribution characteristics of magnetic ore are typical fine grains and even fine grains, so it is necessary to obtain sufficient dissociation of most magnetic ores through fine grinding. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3).

Contact: DELLA
Mob: +86-13929907491

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